2-ingredient cashew and harissa dip

2-ingredient cashew and harissa dip

5 mins Prep

This nutty harissa dip goes well with pita, pretzel sticks, crudités, crips and more

Created by Spinneys
Prep time 5 minutes
Soaking time At least 10 minutes
Serves Makes 250ml
Cuisine Arabic
Diet Vegetarian
Preparation Easy
Nutrition (per serving)
Calories 456
Fat 35.9g
Saturates 6.7g
Protein 13.5g
Carbs 21g
Sugars 3.8g
Given the cook-at-home nature of Spinneys and natural variations in ingredients, nutritional information is approximated. See details


Cooking Instructions

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Add the cashews to a bowl and cover with hot water. Allow to soak for at least 10 minutes.


Drain the cashews and dispose of the water.


Add the cashews, harissa paste and 3 tablespoons of water to a food processor or blender. Blitz until smooth. Add more water if you prefer a thinner dip.


Transfer the dip to a serving bowl.