Earl grey Eton mess with lemon curd cream

Earl grey Eton mess with lemon curd cream

دقائق25 تحضير

Eton Mess is a traditional British dessert that originated in Eton College, a prestigious boarding school in England. It typically consists of a mixture of broken meringue, whipped cream and strawberries, although variations may include other fruit such as raspberries or bananas. The dessert is often served in a glass or bowl, with layers of meringue, fruit and cream stacked on top of each other

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Add the water to a pot and bring to a boil. Steep the teabags for 2-3 minutes, or longer if you prefer a stronger flavour. Remove the teabags and stir in the sugar until dissolved. Set aside to cool completely. Hull and halve the strawberries. Place in a bowl and pour the syrup over and toss gently to coat. Refrigerate for at least 1 hour.


In a large bowl, whip the cream to soft peaks. Lightly crush the meringues and place them at the bottom of two glasses, followed by a layer of lemon curd and cream. Add a layer of the macerated strawberries and repeat.


Decorate with edible flowers and serve.