Coconut and raspberry lamingtons

Coconut and raspberry lamingtons

60 mins Prep · 30 mins Cook

Get ahead: Make the lamingtons in advance and freeze them without the ganache and raspberries

Created by Spinneys
Prep time 60 minutes
Cook time 30 minutes
Serves Makes 36
Cuisine Australian
Diet Vegetarian
Preparation Moderate
Nutrition (per serving)
Calories 136
Fat 6.5g
Saturates 4.6g
Protein 2.3g
Carbs 18.1g
Sugars 12.3g
Given the cook-at-home nature of Spinneys and natural variations in ingredients, nutritional information is approximated. See details

Cooking Instructions

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Preheat the oven to 180°C, gas mark 4. Grease and flour a 20cm x 30cm lamington pan or baking tin. Line the base with baking paper.

Using an electric beater, beat the eggs in a small bowl until light in colour. Gradually add the sugar and beat for 8 minutes or until the mixture is thick. The mixture should form thick ribbons when the beaters are lifted.


Meanwhile, sift the flour and corn flour together three times.


Boil 80ml of water. Combine the butter and boiling water in a small heat-proof bowl.


Transfer the egg mixture to a large bowl.


Sift the flour mixture over the egg mixture. Using a balloon whisk or a large metal spoon, gently fold the flour into the egg mixture, then fold in the butter mixture.


Pour the batter into the prepared pan. Bake for approx. 25 minutes or until the sponge springs back when touched lightly in the centre and comes away from the sides of the pan.


Turn the cake out on to a wire rack to cool. Once cooled, slice the cake into 20 even pieces.


Place all the ingredients for the glaze in a small microwave-safe bowl. Heat gently until melted and glossy. Divide into two bowls and allow to cool.


Place the desiccated coconut in a shallow bowl


Using a large fork, dip half the cake pieces in one bowl of icing and the other half in the second bowl of icing. Hold the pieces over a separate bowl to drain off any excess. If the icing becomes too thick, stand it over 240ml of hot water while dipping, or re-heat gently with a little more milk. If necessary, strain the icing into a clean bowl.


Toss the pieces of cake gently in the desiccated coconut. Transfer to a wire rack and allow to set.


Allow the leftover icing to cool until thick. Spread a little onto the top of each lamington, arrange the raspberries on top and serve.