
  • Stryyk Not V*dka 750ml
  • Vanilla bean 1
  • SpinneysFOOD Cinnamon Stick 1
  • Pink peppercorns 1 tsp
  • SpinneysFOOD Cardamom Pods 6
  • Juniper berries 4

Nutrition (Per serving)

  • Calories 292
  • Fat 0.2g
  • Protein 0.4g
  • Carbs 7g
  • Sugars 0.5g

Given the cook-at-home nature of Spinneys and natural variations in ingredients, nutritional information is approximated."

Vanilla-spiced non-alcoholic vodka

Other 5 Mins Prep

  1. Decant the non-alcoholic vodka into a bottle of your choice.
  2. Slice the vanilla bean in half and scrape out the seeds. Add the bean and seeds to the bottle.
  3. Set a small pan over a medium heat. Add the spices to the pan and toast until fragrant, approx. 2 minutes.
  4. Add the toasted spices to the bottle and seal.
  5. Store for at least one week before gifting.