
  • SpinneysFOOD Full Fat Milk 500ml
  • Yoghurt 4 tbsp

Nutrition (Per serving)

  • Calories 41
  • Fat 1.82g
  • Saturates 1.2g
  • Protein 1.9g
  • Carbs 3.8g
  • Sugars 1.1g

Given the cook-at-home nature of Spinneys and natural variations in ingredients, nutritional information is approximated."

Home-made yoghurt

Arabic 20 Mins Prep

  1. Pour the milk into a pot placed over a medium heat. Slowly heat to 80°C, or until frothy. Whisk every now and then to keep the milk from scalding at the bottom of the pot.
  2. Pour the hot milk into a sterilised glass jar. Leave it to cool to 40°C.
  3. Once the milk is cooled, add the yoghurt. Maintain the temperature at 40°C, for 2-24 hours depending on taste preference.