Helen Farmer has interviewed thousands of mental health professionals in her career – here are her top takeaways to help you live your happiest life in 2025

Sleep. Make it a priority. You’ll make better choices, be less irritable and eat less rubbish when you’re rested. A cool room, a warm bed and magnesium help.
Sunlight before phone light. Try to get some sun in your eyes before looking at your phone.
I know it’s cringe, but gratitude re-wires the brain. A simple journal of a few minutes, both morning and night makes a difference. Write three things you’re grateful for at the start of the day, and before bed note down three things that went well. It doesn’t need to be big – maybe it was getting a good parking space or chatting with a friend.
Get grounded with a barefoot walk in our garden or on the beach. It only needs to be a few minutes a day, but experts assert it can help with everything from anxiety to inflammation.
You don’t need to have all the answers – just start talking. Everyone can benefit from therapy. Or a voice note to/from your best friend.
Comparison is the thief of joy, so try to stay in your own lane. You might be comparing your day one to someone else’s day 100. And Instagram is usually a highlight reel anyway.
Grief looks different to everyone, and there is no timeline.
You’ll have good days and bad days. And maybe good years and bad years. The real strength is recognising when you’re not doing so well and reaching out to someone who can help.
Boundaries are a meeting place, not a wall. That’s a big one to get your head around, but it changes everything.
Sometimes, slowing down is the most productive thing you can do. And conversely, when your energy is low, movement and exercise can really help. You rarely regret a workout (which is really annoying, to be honest).
You’ll be truly happy when your expectations are exceeded. That’s not about having low expectations, but realistic ones.
Learn how to breathe properly. Mouth breathing in kids and adults can lead to a plethora of issues, and now there are experts in the UAE and online who can help. From stress to attention span, it can be life changing.
The mind-gut connection is real, and nourishing your body with good food is self-care. Get your fibre, hydration and nutrients in, and you’re halfway there. Keep that microbiome happy, and your brain will follow, and vice versa.
Clean hair makes everything better. Loud music, singing loudly, windows down, volume up, can turn a terrible day into a great one (that’s my own advice, but it’s true).
Don’t underestimate the power of social connection. More and more research shows that having authentic relationships are the key to a long and happy life. Want to know what the most important parts of the body are as we age? The heart, the lungs and the legs – because when you are mobile, you can walk to see people, get up to answer the door and be part of the community. So don’t neglect those friendships in 2025.