Virgin Radio Dubai host, entrepreneur and Dubai Bling star Kris Fade moved to the UAE in 2007. Since then, he has built an empire around his name, but more importantly, a loving home which he shares with his daughters, Noushie and Kikki and his expecting wife, Brianna Ramirez Fade. Here, we chat with him about fatherhood

You are the father of two beautiful girls, Noushie, 11 and Kikki, 12, and are expecting a third child with your lovely wife, Brianna – congrats! How does everyone feel?
It's like an endless dream. Being a father has shown me the true meaning of life, and now I get to experience it all over again 14 years later. Doing this with my wife Brianna is something so special. I wake up feeling so blessed. Although I have been a father before, this feels like a brand new experience, and I'm loving every moment of it.
What’s the best parenting advice you’ve ever received?
The best advice I was given is to enjoy every moment. There is a period when things become very stressful very quickly. There is always so much going on; sometimes, you must step back and not rush the moments. It happens so fast, from pregnancy to when they are first born to when they grow up and become teenagers!
You don't get those moments back. Some moments are amazing, and some are challenging, like sleep deprivation or teenage angst. But in years to come, you'll look back at all those moments and miss every single one.
What are three core values you have and want to instil in your children?
I want my kids to have empathy. I think it is essential to understand what people are going through and how they're feeling. Showing empathy builds character, and that's one quality I want to keep teaching my children.
I also want them to work hard and try their hardest in everything they do. Nothing in this world comes easy; I want them to know that. For example, if they don't get a perfect score in school, that's okay with me if I know they tried their hardest. I would still be proud.
Finally, I want them to be grateful for every day we have on this earth. I know it sounds cliché, but things can get taken away very quickly, and it's not until that happens that you realise what you have.
You were born and raised in Australia. How does your upbringing in Sydney differ from that of your children here in Dubai?
Growing up in Australia was a little bit different. I'd spend most of my time outside. I would get home from school then ride my bike around the streets. There was also no internet back then, so we would spend most of our time outdoors. Living in Dubai is a little bit different, especially in the summer, as we aren't outdoors much. I think with the introduction of the internet and social media, our kids are spending a lot more time in front of screens, which I do as well.
With my children, I try to balance their screen time with other activities to keep them busy. They do Brazilian jujitsu twice a week., volleyball and basketball. I am trying to keep them active.
The big difference between the two cities, though, is the safety. Bringing up children in Dubai is much safer than most. I am not saying Sydney is unsafe, but Dubai is on another level. They have built an infrastructure that is just unbelievable.
Alongside your many ventures you founded Fade Fit, a brand of healthy snacks available at Spinneys, with the help of your daughters and community. Why was it important to involve your daughters in the process, and what has it taught you about them?
I created Fade Fit almost five years ago when I was going through a health transition. I was anxious, depressed, and overweight, and I realised I needed to change my life. Fade Fit is something I want to share with my girls because I don't want them to go through what I went through.
They now understand the business and the reason why we launched a brand of healthier snacks. On this journey, they have learned not only the importance of business but also the importance of healthy eating.
I hope by them being exposed to this part of my life at a young age, they will become more knowledgeable by the time they reach their 20s and be successful in whatever they do. I don't force them to be on this journey, though. They enjoy learning about finance and cash flow and especially love it when we have new samples to try during product development.
I am just hoping this builds their character for later on in life.
What role does food play in the family dynamic?
Food plays such an important role. We lead a healthier lifestyle at home with fresh produce, fruits and proteins. However, we also do have those "cheat days" where we eat fast food. I think taking away everything from the child is not easy because they might abuse it later on in life. I do educate them on having a healthier and balanced lifestyle.
What’s your Father’s Day wish?
My Father's Day wish is to continue feeling the way that I do. I have a beautiful, healthy family, and I go to bed at night happy knowing that I can provide for them.