How to make your suhoor meals count during the Holy Month

Choosing your food wisely during Ramadan is key to making sure you remain healthy and energised throughout.
"When you fast, your body's metabolism slows down in order to conserve its energy stores and therefore becomes an energy storing device" says Yasmine Haddad, Clinical Dietitian at myPediaclinic, Dubai.
She continues "It then craves food in large amounts, especially foods high in fat and sugar. Once these foods are consumed the body may store the energy as fat. Thus, planning your meals during the holy month of Ramadan is crucial to keeping your metabolism and energy levels strong, and your digestion at ease. Try to consume iftar, some nutritionally dense snacks, and suhoor. And don't forget to hydrate with water."
The key to all of this is to make sure you're consuming energy-packed suhoor dishes - the meal you consume before the sun comes up for a new day.
"A lot of people may skip or make wrong choices for suhoor - not knowing that it dictates insulin levels and the way you feel the following day," Yasmine Haddad explains.
"That said, try to consume a light and balanced suhoor, which includes a combination of complex carbohydrates like whole wheat bread, oats and quinoa, protein such as Greek yoghurt, cheese and eggs, and some healthy fats that you find in peanut butter, avocado or olive oil."
Whilst we're talking about what's good for suhoor, there are bad items that you should avoid too.
Yasmine Haddad says "Stay away from sugary, caffeinated, spicy and salty drinks and meals - they may induce thirst the following day."
Looking for some inspiration for your homemade suhoor dishes? Then take a look at these tried, tested and tasty recipes we suggest below.