How to organise your freezer

How to organise your freezer

Food – 27.06.24

Whether it’s over-ripe bananas or avocados, grapes, stock, milk or herbs, you can freeze pretty much anything these days. But are you arranging your food in a way that saves time, money and reduces waste? Celia Vrnak, founder of The Savvy Space, helps people conquer chaos in their homes by organising and creating practical systems for a stress-free life. Here she shares some quick tips on how to organise your freezer and a few key pointers for your fridge, too

Sarah Henson
Sarah Henson


Start with a clean slate:

Before you begin organising your food, start by cleaning out your fridge and freezer. Refer to the instructions for your brand of fridge/freezer for specific details on how to sanitise and clean certain areas. Get rid of any expired or spoiled items and donate any non-perishables that you won't be using.

Categorise your food:

Make it easier to find what you need when you need it by creating zones for related food groups such as dairy, protein, fruit, etc. This helps to make use of all the compartments and drawers in the most effective way.

Use durable, easy-to-clean bins/containers:

Store your food so that you can easily see what's inside. This also helps to keep things fresh and prevents spills, which is especially important for meat juices. You can also use clear sandwich bags.

Label everything:

Labelling your containers and shelves will help you quickly identify what's inside and where it belongs. If you like to switch up what you use them for, use chalkboard labels and markers to make changing labels easy. Don’t be afraid to label the door bins, drawers, edge of the shelf or even the inside of the freezer wall if it helps clarify and keep everyone on the same page. Be sure to label the expiration date or freeze date for home-made items as it’s easy to forget when they were placed there. If you like to meal plan, you can use the chalk labels to mark clear bins for the meal and day the items are meant for.

Use the first-in, first-out rule:

When restocking your fridge/freezer, make sure to use the first-in, first-out rule - using the oldest items first to prevent waste. An easy way to do this is to create an “eat first” bin, section or drawer to prioritise items that are near expiration.

Quick tips for your fridge:

  • Maximise your space: If you have a deep refrigerator, a turntable is a game changer to keep items from getting lost in the back and to corral condiments and other jarred items.
  • Produce items are best kept in the lowest humidity spot, which is usually a drawer or the lower part of the fridge.
  • Leave some space for meal prep items such as chopped veggies and leftovers to prevent over-crowding.
  • An idea for the kids: Dedicate a shelf, drawer or even a single bin to kid’s snacks and school lunch items to streamline mornings and help little ones become more self-sufficient.

Follow @thesavvyspace on Instagram for more tips and tutorials on how to organise your kitchen and your home.