Master the art of turkey carving with this six-step foolproof guide

Plump, tender and juicy, your Thanksgiving turkey is roasted to perfection; however, cooking your big bird is just half of it. The real pressure comes when the family eagerly awaits their delicious slices of perfectly cut meat. Even the greatest of chefs can fail at the dinner table, so make sure you’re fully prepared for serving time by following our turkey carving guide.
1 Remove the trussing string carefully so as not to damage the skin.
2 Start by running a sharp knife down the point where the leg meets the breast until you reach a bone. Find the joint (in a turkey it’s tucked underneath the breast) then jam the tip of your knife into the joint and wiggle to pop it open.
3 Cut through the joint and remove the leg and thigh. If you like, you can separate these two cuts as well by cutting them in half.
4 Next, remove the wings in the same way.
5 Carve the breast meat thinly and set aside.
6 Serve the pieces on a platter.