Five things you should disinfect to give you a healthy home

Our homes are supposed to be a safe haven where we can relax and recuperate from what we've encountered out in the world. Especially in the current Coronavirus climate, cleaning your home has ever been so important. Even if your home looks clean, it may still harbour contaminants that could affect your health. Cleaning shouldn't be confused or used interchangeably with disinfecting though. The former means you're removing germs, but not killing, while the latter means you're actually killing them. This distinction is important because you might clean surfaces effectively but you might not be disinfecting, leaving germs and bacteria to fester and grow. The Spinneys team share a list of the top five things you should disinfect to give yourself a healthy home.
Clean your AC units
If you live in the Gulf, where the weather is constantly hot and sandstorms regularly happen, it is likely that you rarely open the windows of your house, spend 90% of your time indoors and rely heavily on-air conditioning for yourself and family. But do you know the quality of the air you are breathing? Your AC system can provide the perfect breeding environment to a number of contaminants such as dust, mould, and bacteria that spread around your indoor space contributing to common health, allergy, respiratory and fatigue issues.
Disinfect your surfaces
Although the surfaces at your house are cleaned regularly the role of the actual detergent used plays a vital role to the level of cleanliness and the level at which the bacteria and germs are killed. Using generic detergents creates chemical components that both stick to surfaces and also evaporate in the air contributing to poor indoor air quality that you and your family breathe daily. Consider getting a proper disinfection service which distributes microscopic disinfectant droplets to cover surfaces that are unreachable with the common cleaning practice, resulting in a better and longer-lasting protection against germs and thus is an asthma and allergy remedy.
Clean your soft furnishings
You may have a spotless house but did you know that you are currently sharing your bed, your sofas and your carpets, the places you spend most of your life (especially at the moment!), with millions of dust mites, bed bugs, mould, bacteria and viruses, which are medically proven to trigger several health problems such as asthma, allergies, eczema and morning fatigue. Dead skin shed during our sleep, alongside sweat and humidity are the primary contributors of the continuous reproduction of dust mites and other microorganisms in our mattresses. When it comes to sofas and carpets, food crumbs, body grease, dust, dirt particles and microorganisms are the commonly found soil components trapped within the upholstery. They create the perfect living and breeding environment for dust mites, viruses, bacteria and allergens. A 2013 study found that more germs exist on the average household sofa than on the average toilet seat. Therefore, sofa cleaning is very important.
Shampoo those carpets
One of the major problems with the gulf weather is the prevalence of dust. The dust accumulates on all surface thereby causing indoor air pollution. The problem is aggravated if you have a surface that traps dust like carpet and rugs. For people with asthma and other respiratory problems, this can pose a serious challenge. Hence, regular carpet cleaning is of utmost importance if you are to maintain a good quality of air inside the house.
Need a little help getting the job done? The Healthy Home, leading company in the Middle East, sole’s objective is to improve your quality of life. In light of the current outbreaks, their mission is to make a better life for you, your friends and family; and continuously promote a safer and healthier indoor living thanks to their innovative eco-friendly technologies and the latest Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) products and solutions.
With branches in the UAE, KSA and Kuwait, the team are adhering to the highest international standards and are taking the necessary steps to minimize risks and maximize our health & safety measures by following instructions issued by the World Health Organization (WHO), the local Ministries of Health and Prevention as well as Municipalities.