Olive oil poached salmon

Olive oil poached salmon

البحر المتوسط
دقائق15 تحضير · دقائق20 طهي

Cooking meat or seafood in light liquid – traditionally a broth – poaching also lends itself well to olive oil. An EVOO will penetrate deeply into a rich-flavoured, firm-textured fish such as salmon or tuna for a lovely velvety finish

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وقت التحضير 15 دقائق
وقت الطهي 20 دقائق
عدد الأفراد 4
مطبخ البحر المتوسط
Special Occasion Summer Picnics
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Preheat the oven to 120°C, lowest gas mark.


Season the salmon fillets with salt and black pepper. Slice the head of garlic in half. Zest the lemon. Slice the onion and baby fennel.


Pour the olive oil into an oven-safe deep-roasting dish. Add in the garlic, dill, lemon zest, onion and fennel. Place the seasoned salmon fillets, skin side down, into the olive oil mixture. Ensure that the salmon is fully submerged in the olive oil.


Transfer the pan to the oven. Poach the salmon for approx. 15-20 minutes, or until it reaches your desired level of doneness. Carefully remove the pan from the oven. Using a spatula, transfer the poached salmon fillets to serving plates.


Strain the poaching liquid and drizzle over the salmon fillets.


Serve with lemon wedges, if desired.