
  • Barberry jam, leftover 3 tbsp
  • SpinneysFOOD Bottled Drinking Water 2 tbsp
  • SpinneysFOOD Mediterranean Extra Virgin Olive Oil 1 tbsp
  • Raspberry vinegar 1 tbsp
  • SpinneysFOOD Fine Salt A pinch
  • Pita, leftover 2
  • Romaine lettuce 2
  • Herbs, leftover A handful
  • Plain yoghurt 150g
  • SpinneysFOOD Sea Salt ¼ tsp
  • SpinneysFOOD Black Peppercorns, freshly ground ½ tsp

Nutrition (Per serving)

  • سعرات حرارية 360
  • دهون 9.1g
  • بروتين 11.8g
  • الكربوهيدرات 54.6g
  • السكريات 15.1g

نظرًا لطبيعة وصفات سبينس للطهي في المنزل والتغيرات الطبيعية في المكونات، يتم تقريب المعلومات الغذائية على قدر الإمكان."

سلطة فتوش بالأعشاب مع صلصة بمربى البرباريس

Lebanese 10 Mins Prep · 5 Mins Cook

  1. To make the dressing, combine all the ingredients in a bowl and adjust the seasoning, if necessary.
  2. Quarter the pitas and fry in a pot of oil, heated to 180 C, until golden and crisp, approx. 5 minutes.
  3. Peel the leaves off the core of the lettuce and place in ice cold water along with the rest of the herbs.
  4. Divide the yoghurt (or labneh) between 2 plates. Drizzle the dressing over and top with the lettuce leaves, herbs and pita.
  5. Drizzle with any leftover dressing, season and serve.