Lemon cake and mango egg

Lemon cake and mango egg

دقيقة10 تحضير

To make this filled Easter egg extra tangy, spoon over some lemon curd to cut through the sweetness

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وقت التحضير 10 دقائق
عدد الأفراد 4
مطبخ Other
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Using a hot knife, carefully cut the Ultimate Egg down the seam.


In a clean bowl, whip the double cream until soft peaks form then set aside. Slice the lemon sponge roll and place 3 slices into each half of the chocolate egg. Spoon over the lemon curd yoghurt. Add two scoops each of mango sorbet on top. Add a few dollops of whipped cream over the scoops of sorbet and scatter over the yellow smarties and yellow flowers.


Dust with icing sugar, if desired, and serve immediately.