
  • Dried limes 7
  • Dried chives 30g
  • SpinneysFOOD Fresh Parsley 650g
  • SpinneysFOOD Spring Onions 550g
  • Red onions 100g, small
  • Dried Fenugreek (shanbelileh) 8g
  • SpinneysFOOD Pure Sunflower Oil 110g
  • SpinneysFOOD Fine Turmeric 2 tsp
  • SpinneysFOOD Fine Black Pepper 1 tsp
  • Lamb cubes 1kg
  • SpinneysFOOD Fine Sea Salt 3 tsp
  • SpinneysFOOD Organic Red Kidney Beans 480g

Nutrition (Per serving)

  • سعرات حرارية 454
  • دهون 21.1g
  • المشبعة 4.5g
  • بروتين 37.2g
  • الكربوهيدرات 34.1g
  • السكريات 7g

نظرًا لطبيعة وصفات سبينس للطهي في المنزل والتغيرات الطبيعية في المكونات، يتم تقريب المعلومات الغذائية على قدر الإمكان."

يخنة الأعشاب غورميه سابزي

Arabic 30 Mins Prep · 150 Mins Cook

  1. Soak the dried limes for 4 hours (rinse every 1½ hours). Rinse and drain before using. Soak the dried chives (or 900g fresh chives) for 30 minutes, then drain and squeeze out the excess water. Set aside.
  2. Meanwhile, pick the parsley leaves and finely chop. Rinse and finely chop the spring onions. Peel and chop the onions.
  3. Place a large pot over a medium heat, add the spring onions, parsley and chives and sauté, without oil, for approx. 10 minutes, until the excess liquid has evaporated.
  4. Add 100ml of oil, fry for approx. 10 minutes then turn off the heat. Add the dried fenugreek and mix everything together. It is important not to fry the fenugreek as it can impart a bitter taste. Set aside.
  5. In a large pot, over a high heat, sauté the onions in the remaining oil until translucent. Add in the turmeric and black pepper. Add the lamb and fry until browned. Add approx. 2½ litres of boiling water and allow the liquid to come to a boil. Cover the pot with a lid, reduce the heat and allow to simmer for 1 hour 30 minutes.
  6. Add the herbs and spring onion mixture and season with the salt. Leave to simmer for a further 1 hour 30 minutes.
  7. Drain and rinse the beans then add to the pot along with the soaked limes. Simmer for a further 20 minutes.
  8. Adjust the salt, if necessary, and add the dried lime powder or lemon juice. Remove from the heat. 
  9. Serve with steamed rice.