Butter-dressed chicken

Butter-dressed chicken

دقائق20 تحضير · دقائق90 طهي

In this recipe the chicken is covered with a muslin cloth soaked in butter and stock to create an incredibly tender, juicy roast with golden skin. The Lurpak Unsalted Butter ensures a rich and velvety result that elevates this dish to something truly special

انشأ بواسطة سبينس
وقت التحضير 20 دقائق
وقت الطهي 90 دقائق
عدد الأفراد 4-6
مطبخ Other
النظام الغذائي Other
إرشادات التحضير وصفة سهلة
المعلومات الغذائية (لكل حصة)
سعرات حرارية 728
دهون 63g
المشبعة 32g
بروتين 29g
الكربوهيدرات 10g
السكريات 2g
نظرًا لطبيعة وصفات سبينس للطهي في المنزل والتغيرات الطبيعية في المكونات، يتم تقريب المعلومات الغذائية على قدر الإمكان. تعرف على المزيد


أدوات ومستلزمات الطبخ

طريقة التحضير

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Preheat the oven to 200°C gas mark 6.


Rinse the chicken inside and out and pat it dry with paper towels.


Halve the leeks. Quarter the lemon and crush the garlic. Stuff the cavity with the lemon, smashed garlic and sage.


Melt the butter and stir in the salt. Submerge the muslin cloth in the butter ensuring it’s fully soaked. Squeeze out any excess liquid so the cloth remains damp but not dripping.


Arrange the leeks over the base of an over-proof pan or roasting dish. Place the chicken on top of the leeks and lay the butter-soaked muslin cloth over the chicken, completely covering the top and sides to keep it moist while its cooking. Roast for approx. 1 hour. Baste the chicken (over the cloth) every 15-20 minutes with the juices from the pan and additional melted butter. After 1 hour, carefully remove the muslin cloth to allow the skin to crisp. Continue roasting for an additional 20-30 minutes, or until the skin is golden and the internal temperature of the chicken reaches 75°C when measured in the thickest part of the thigh.


Remove the chicken from the oven and let it rest, uncovered, for 10-15 minutes before carving.


Serve with the roasted leeks and pan juices.