Range Planner, Xander Van Der Westhuizen

Xander and his son Rowe (16 months)
What does fatherhood mean to you?
Xander: Fatherhood is a journey filled with joy, wonder, challenges, and immense love. From the moment my son Rowe was born, each day has brought new milestones, discoveries, and adventures. As a father, you get a front-row seat to his growth and development.
Antos: It is undoubtedly a transformative role marked by love, responsibility, and accountability. As a guide whose role is to nurture my children into becoming decent human beings, my job as a parent is to strengthen my children's relationships, provide them with hope, and guide them towards their chosen destinations.
Morne: Fatherhood is a lifelong journey of love, guidance, and sacrifice, shaping both the child and the father. Being a father is a privilege.

Revenue Commercial Manager, Antos CJ

Antos and his sons Nate (12) and Neil (18)
What has fatherhood taught you?
Xander: Being a parent requires patience, adaptability, and a willingness to learn. In my case, being a father to a son comes with the unique opportunity of being a role model. My actions, words, and values as a man shape his perception of the world and influence his development.
Antos: It has taught me that no matter what, everything will be alright. What's more, children are like clay; they turn out how you mould them. But, they are also their own person, smarter than us, and our future is theirs today.
Morne: Patience is vital. Coupled with understanding and calmness, it allows you to navigate the ups and downs of parenthood, which is easier said than done. Additionally, embracing vulnerability and showing emotional availability to your children fosters trust and strong connections. Lastly, being a father teaches you the profound impact of your actions and words, reminding you to lead by example and be mindful of your influence on your child's development.

Ecommerce Manager, Morne Jordaan

Morne and his daughter Mia (13 months)
What advice would you give to first-time parents?
Xander: The sense of responsibility, protectiveness, and unconditional love that washes over you is unparalleled. You become keenly aware of the immense privilege and honour of guiding and shaping the life of another human being. Fatherhood is a profound experience; it is an extraordinary journey that brings tremendous joy, purpose, and fulfilment.
Antos: This is the best time to forgive yourself and others. Do not be shy to seek support and help. Don't be selfish and rigid but be flexible, patient, and kind. Most importantly, treasure the precious moments.
Morne: Trust your instincts and don't be too hard on yourself; parenting is a learning process, and mistakes happen. Don't lose yourself in the journey. Prioritise self-care and make time for your own well-being to ensure the best care for your child. Finally, cherish the every moment and remember that love, warmth, and quality time together are the foundations for a strong bond with your little one.