Tenderstem broccoli is AAA’s largest vegetable crop

Avocados are washed after being picked

Soil being prepared for manual seeding

SpinneysFOOD stir-fry mixes are carefully weighed and packaged while adhering to strict hygiene controls

Frank Obure, general manager AAA Growers

Crops such as pak choi Romaine lettuce and capsicum are grown in greenhouses
Spinneys Produce Commercial Manager Neil Gibson says…

We like that AAA Growers is a family-owned business – and one that is able to offer us a range of nutrient-rich, flavourful herbs and vegetables. The team invests in agriculture, is conscious about the environment and how crop cycles can be managed accordingly, and they’re always looking to remove as many pesticides as possible in their processes. We were excited to receive our first sea shipment of organic avocados from AAA. Buying such a large quantity of avocados from a single grower was a first for us – and we’re happy with the quality of the fruit.