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درهم إماراتي
Dr. Oetker Margherita Deep Pizza 400g

Dr. Oetker Margherita Deep Pizza 400g

Dr. Oetker Margherita Deep Pizza 400g

Dr. Oetker Margherita Deep Pizza 400g

Dr. Oetker Margherita Deep Pizza 400g

AED 22.75 هذا المنتج غير متوفر حاليا




نظرة عامة

This delectable deep margherita pizza is crispy on the outside and soft on the inside and covered with deliciously melty cheese.


Trust, sustainability and credibility are extremely important factors in the Dr. Oetker family business. Established over 100 years ago in Germany, the business has developed with these values at its core and now enjoys a reputation as one of the most trusted food brands internationally.

إرشادات التحضير

Refer to label for cooking instructions


Wheat flour, water, cheese (22.5%)(kashar, mozzarella)(cow's milk, rennet casein from cow, salt, sodium di and polyphosphate meting characteristic enhancement, microbiological coagulant, starter culture), tomato puree (tomato, water, salt), vegetable fat (sunflower, palm), sugar, yeast, fat-free milk powder, modified potato starch, salt, basil, basil flavouring, cheese flavouring, thyme, black pepper.


Contains milk, gluten.


Keep frozen

العلامة التجارية

دكتور أوتكر


Trust, sustainability and credibility are extremely important factors in the Dr. Oetker family business. Established over 100 years ago in Germany, the business has developed with these values at its core and now enjoys a reputation as one of the most trusted food brands internationally.
Refer to label for cooking instructions
Wheat flour, water, cheese (22.5%)(kashar, mozzarella)(cow's milk, rennet casein from cow, salt, sodium di and polyphosphate meting characteristic enhancement, microbiological coagulant, starter culture), tomato puree (tomato, water, salt), vegetable fat (sunflower, palm), sugar, yeast, fat-free milk powder, modified potato starch, salt, basil, basil flavouring, cheese flavouring, thyme, black pepper.
Contains milk, gluten.
Keep frozen
دكتور أوتكر

المعلومات الغذائية

القيمة النموذجية لكل 100g

الكمية لكل حصة من الوجبة

% القيمة اليومية

إجمالي الدهون 12.4g

الدهون المشبعة 6.6g

الدهون غير المشبعة 0.1g

صوديوم 501mg

اجمالي الكربوهيدرات 31g

السكريات 2.1g

الألياف الغذائية 0.8g

بروتين 10.6g

تستند النسبة المئوية للقيم اليومية على نظام غذائي يحتوي على 2000 سعرة حرارية.
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